​VÆLG SP​ROG:  dk_3   uk_3

Privacy policy for Wittrup Motel A/S (GDPR)

What you need to know about our processing of your personal information:

That Wittrup Motel A/S (hereafter we/us) including Sallie’s Restaurant & Snack Bar, Sallie’s On Wheels and Sallie’s Race Lounge are data processor and thereby liable for, that the processing of the personal information that we receive from you, is processed lawfully by us.

That you are welcome to contact Claus Hansen – Mail: claus@wittrupmotel.dk

That the purpose with the processing of your personal information is, to ensure a correct booking of your room, to make a reservation at Sallie’s Restaurant & Snack Bar, Sallie’s On Wheels or Sallie’s Race Lounge, to propose offers/confirmations or to register your participation in an event as well as to keep you informed on news, functions and product options.

That we only process personal information, that is used for specific purposes and which are necessary for us to comply to our part of the agreement between us.

That the personal information generally is gathered from you and based on your consent. Furthermore, data is gathered by direct enquiry to us or through our website and third-party partners. Of third-party partners, can DinnerBooking.com, Booking.com, Expedia.com and HRS be mentioned. It is through these parties, where you can have booked a stay, made a table reservation or bought a ticket to an event hosted by us and thereby given us your consent through the third-party partners.

That consent can at any given time be revoked by contacting us at claus@wittrupmotel.dk

That Wittrup Motel has a cookie policy, which can be viewed here

That we have a shared data responsibility for personal information given on our Facebook-sites, and you as the visitor, shall therefore be observant to, that Facebook automatically places a cookie in your IT-system. You give your consent to this, by visiting our Facebook webpages.

That we beside the personal data, which we gather through over website, also uses a line of third-party software to gather data at our website, these are described below.

  • Google analytics
    Google Analytics gives us access to your online behavior on our website and Google Analytics gather data by the help of cookies. These cookies gather information about your use of our website, including your IP-address for tracking your online behavior. Additionally, we use Google Analytics for marketing purposes, and you can therefore encounter dynamic ads after you have visited our website.
  • Facebook-Pixels
    We use Facebook-pixels, in order to improve our ads for visitors, who have visited our website, and have a Facebook profile. Through Facebook-pixels, we gather data about your online behavior on our website.
  • QuickPay
    We use the payment gateway, QuickPay, as the payment gateway for when ordering items on the Take Away page on Sallie’s Restaurant & Snack Bar as well as for Sallie’s Race Lounge.
    ​Quick Pay is a Danish payment gateway with focus on high security and QuickPay constantly monitor their systems and always have a backup system, that helps with managing their data. Card data as well as any other communication around a payment, will automatically be encrypted. Your personal data is disclosed to QuickPay in relations to when you make a card payment on our website.

That the legal basis for, that we process your personal information, is to fulfil the agreed agreement with regards to your stay, a table reservation or the participation in an event. Hereunder the compliance of agreed prices, travel information as well as all other information that is necessary to us, in order to provide the ordered service. As we are providers of accommodation, we are covered by Danish legislation with regards to registration of guests.

That the personal category of the information we save, are standard information such as, name home address, telephone no., mail address as well as travel- and order information. When making a reservation, we will handle, and process more confidential information given that we require a credit card number as security for the accommodation. With accordance to Danish legislation, we need to register the following information for all our foreign guest:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Permanent residence
  • Date of arrival
  • Type and no. on passport or other travel documents

For guest from the Nordic countries, including Denmark, the requirement for passports or other travel documents does not apply. They can legitimize themselves by presenting other personal documents such as e.g. a driver license or health insurance certificate.

Furthermore, we are responsible for keeping a protocol, which in this case is our reservation system.

That we only pass on or hand over your personal information to external recipients, such as our revision or SKAT (the Danish tax authorities) in the event of an inspection visit. Bad payers will however, be passed on to the debt-collecting agency, our lawyer and Ribers Kredit Information (register of bad payers). The police will also have access to the information, in the case of investigating a criminal offence.

That your personal information will be processed confidential and in accordance with the current person data legislation.

That your personal information is only kept for the period, that is of relevance for the purpose, it was obtained for.

What you need to know about the processing of your personal information, when attending an event.

That we take pictures and videos throughout the event, including you as a participant.

That both the pictures and videos will be used on our social media pages, hereunder Facebook, Instagram, YouTube as well as on our website; Sallies.dk

That Wittrup Motel is the data processor for the handling of your personal information and that you can contact us by writing an e-mail to: Claus Hansen – claus@wittrupmotel.dk

That we at this time cannot say, for how long we will store your personal information. We can however say that we will focus on, whether the videos and pictures still are of relevance.

That by attending one of our events, you accept to, that we use the video recordings or pictures as above mentioned. That you at any time have the right to withdraw your consent. You can do this by contacting us cf. the above contact information.

That if you choose to withdraw your consent, it will not affect the legislation of the processing of your personal information based on your previous given consent and up till the time for the withdrawal. It will be effective from the time of withdrawal and forward.

That if you under the event, do not wish to be in any photos or video, please do contact the staff at the event, so they can inform the photographer and other relevant persons, who are in charge of the further distribution of the material.

According to the Data Protection Regulation you have several rights in relation to our processing of your personal information.

If you wish to make use of your rights, please do contact us cf. the above contact information.

You have the right to deletion, this means that you always have access to have your information deleted. We delete all information, at the latest, two years after the latest contact, unless for accounting or legal reasons we find it necessary to keep it for a longer period. The information is deleted at the latest when any personal claims have expired. However, customers who have given us the right to send newsletters and similar will not be deleted.

You have the right to limitation of processing, e.g. by cancelling any newsletters or by having information deleted or changed.

You have the right to submit an objection, this means that in some cases you have the right to object against our otherwise legal processing of your personal information.

You have the right to have information transmitted (data portability). This means that you can enquire and have the information sent via email at any time.

You have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency.If you wish to complain, we will of course be pleased to be notified of your complaint and do what we can to make you happy, but you are always entitled to complain directly to the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5th floor, 1300 Copenhagen K.
​Tel. +45 3319 3200 or email dt@datatilsynet.dk, see more on www.datatilsynet.dk

You can read more about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency’s guide on the registered person’s rights, which you can find on www.datatilsynet.dk.​


​Roskildevej 251

2620 Albertslund

CVR: 21745847


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